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matter of fact

下面围绕“matter of fact”主题解决网友的困惑


matter-of-fact [英]['mætər əv fækt][美][ˈmætərəvˈfækt]adj.切合实际的; 讲求实际的; 就事论事的; 平淡的; ...

as a matter of fact的区别是什么呢?

as a matter of fact和as the matter of fact的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、指代不同 1、as a matt...



as a/the matter of fact请问到底是用a还是the

as a matter of fact要用a。as a matter of fact:1、中文释义:确切地说;事实上;恰恰相反;确切地说;事实上。2、例句:It's not that difficult. As a matter of f...

He was so matterof-fact about my wearing jacke

1. "I know you," he said flatly, matter-of-fact, neutral in tone.“我认识你。”他平淡地说道,就事论事,不带任何感情。2. Mona remains unshaken by her ord...


as a matter of fact 是固定搭配,意思就是事实上;as a matter of fact:fact作“事实”解时是可数名词,作“真实情况”解时,是不可数名词。fact引申可表示“论...

as a/the matter of fact 请问到底是用a还是the? 有

as a matter of fact要用a。as a matter of fact:1、中文释义:确切地说;事实上;恰恰相反;确切地说;事实上。2、例句:It's not that difficult. As a matter of f...

as a matter of fact和in fact的区别是什么呢

in fact和as a matter of fact结构不同,但它们的意思是一样的,都表示“事实上”等意。其用法相同,可以在口语或书面语中替换使用:in fact=as a matter of fact...

as a matter of fact 什么意思

as a matter of fact 英 [æz ə mætə ɔv fækt] 美 [æz e mætɚ ʌv fækt]事实上,其实; 说起来 事实上;...

as a matter of fact是什么意思

as a matter of fact中文释义: 事实上,其实 as a matter of fact 英[æz ə ˈmætə ɔv fækt] 美[æz e ˈmæt<...

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